2 Corinthians (Adults)

Chapter 4

Lesson written by Murray Wade

1. What ministry do Paul and Timothy have as mentioned in verse 1?




2. What is the opposite of the truth of God, as mentioned in verse 2?




3. How is the gospel veiled from some people in verses 3-4?




4. What do Paul and Timothy preach?




5. Why is the gospel referred to as "light" in verses 4 and 6? Please be ready to discuss your answer.




6. What does Paul mean in verse 7, "but we have this treasure in earthen vessels"?




7. Please make a list of what Paul, Timothy, and others are suffering for the spreading of the gospel from verses 8-12.





8. What do they believe that gives them boldness to speak from verses 13-14?




9. For who do they suffer these things and what results?




10. How can they consider their sufferings as "light affliction" from verses 16-18?